Friday, 8 November 2024

Imperial Dreadnought Time!

The good old RT7 Imperial Dreadnought

Or maybe not so good!  Back in the day I had four of these, two of the thin bodies with the long legs and two of the short legged wide bodies.  Alas the long legged ones have been lost in the warp along with my robots etc....  Thankfully it is the wide body ones which remain, as I liked them much better.

The old Egg comes out to deal some hurt

Stripping one of these dreadnoughts reminded me how awful these miniatures were to put together, as I aside from dealing with all the old paint I had layers of milliput, superglue and other junk to clean off.  And then this revealed how hit and miss the old castings could be. Thankfully I have learn a lot over the last 30 odd years so some Dremel work, sanding, polishing trimming cleaned up the miniature to a more acceptable state and then it was time to put it back together.  NB.  This miniature was quite soft and one of the exhausts was hanging on by a thread.  So a quick snip, drill and insertion of a brass rod fixed it this up to be better than new.

Original GW Schematic

Cleaned up in all its naked glory

One fixed exhaust

Primed and ready for painting

Time to paint them up

I used the same recipe for the Dreadnought as the Space Marines.  As the dreadnought miniatures are all round with limited flat or large surfaces, I spent some time making the visible panel lines more distinct and black-lining the edges and joined surfaces.  

Thankfully the ankles have a nice round flat surface which was the ideal place to paint on the chapter badge and company number.  Also lots of hazzard strips and there will be a techmarine lurking close by to fix up and battle damage and keep this dreadnought fighting.  

Got one more of these with the exact same weapon configuration.  Whilst I like the lascannon,  I would love to be able to field one of the bad boys with a multi meta or heavy flamer to keep with the Salamander theme. Maybe some time for some kit bashing or a little bit of digital design work is in my future.

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