Friday, 1 November 2024

The Salamanders need a Veteran Squad


Bring out your 'Old Lead'

Next unit of the rank is a mix of 1988 and 1991 era marines. Pictures below are of them stripped prior to their black under coat and with the finished paint job.

Mk VI Corvus Armour 1

Mk VI Corvus Armour 2

Artificer Armour 4

Artificer Armour 3

Terminator Honours 1

Terminator Honours 2

Terminator Honours 3

Brother Dixon

Brother Leach with Plasma Gun

Brother Martins with Hand Flamer and either Heavy Plasma Gun or Plasma Gun as it changed depending on catalogue

Brother Morris and Brother Angst with their Melta Meltas, undercoated and finished paint job. 
Brother Morris with his Multi Melta and Bolt Pistol

Brother Angst with his Multi Melta

Now that you have scrolled through all the pics.  New bigger space marines might be nicer to paint (so I hear, but since I don't have any and am unlikely to every buy one I will just have to take people's word on this), but these marines seem much easier to paint that 20 year old me remembers.

Whilst the hand sculpting seems a little dodgy compared to today's digitally sculpted miniatures, they have lots of character and lots of fun to paint.  Also I am painting quickly and this batch of 12 will have taken less than 6 hours to paint.  I am happy to call these decent table top standard and think they look much nicer than the original paint job.  I am actually looking forward to having them all painted in one uniform colour scheme.

They are also nowhere near as shiny as the photos suggest.

The next batch is soaking in IPA and ready for a final wizz in the ultrasonic cleaner, toothbrush, wash and then they will be ready for painting.  It is time to give this force some characters, so I have a Lieutenant, Chaplain, Librarian, Medic and Techmarine up next.

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